The drink for Heroes, Poets and Gods
The story of Kvasir begins long after the dawn of time. The Aesir gods were fighting the Vanir gods. While the Aesir gods were gods of battle, the Vanir gods were softer gods who made soils fertile and plants grow. Both were equally powerful and were at war. As neither side could win, they came together to declare a truce. The truce was formed by each god spitting into a cauldron (an ancient reconciliation tradition) and mixing the spit to make the agreement binding. They let the berries ferment.
But instead of a fermented beverage, what rose out of the cauldron was Kvasir, the wisest of all beings who was neither man, nor god, nor any other being.
The poems he spoke and stories he told were pure gold and enabled listeners to transcend into unknown realms of the mind.
The dwarfs, driven by their greed to own the wisdom for themselves, decided to capture Kvasir to keep the wisdom for themselves. Two dwarfs, Galar and Fialar, took Kvasir back to their cave, killed him, and drained his blood. They knew that, using the proper amount of honey, the liquid would be transformed into a magical substance that would forever preserve the wisdom of Kvasir.
Thus, the first mystical mead was made.


In Nordic Tale, there are three roosters of Ragnarok.
These three roosters that are announcing the beginning of Ragnarök.
Gullinkambi, a rooster with a golden comb, lives in Valhalla
Fjalar is a crimson rooster who lives in the wood Gálgviðr.
The third rooster is an unnamed, sooted rooster named 'Nameless' by Odin, and lives in Helheim.
Gullinkambi will alert the Einherjar and the gods.
Fialar will alert the giants, the Jotnar. A Jotunn herdsman named Eggther, who sits on a mound and plays a harp, is Fialar's guardian.
"Nameless" is unnamed soot-red rooster that lives in Helheim and will alert the dishonorable dead.